To Our Customers: |
Welcome to our catalogue for 2024. Contact with your order. |
BC's native plants have a long evolutionary history with wildlife and pollinating insect inter-dependency. During this biodiversity crisis, as gardeners and stewards, you can take environmental action into your own hands by adding native plants to your home garden. Whether its gardening for pollinators and birds, medicinal, drought tolerant plants or shade gardens, there is a wide variety of nursery grown native plants to meet your ecological needs. |
The website is not exhaustive of all plants in stock. Please ask for items such as vines, shrubs and trees or other perennials that are not listed in this catalogue, as an availability list containing all plants is available and can be emailed to you on request or you can visit in person to browse through the plants. Nursery plant prices reflect the rarity, age or difficulty of propagation of the BC native plants listed. B.C.'s Wild Heritage Native Plants does NOT use herbicides or pesticides and is neonicotinoid free. |
B.C.'s Wild Heritage Native Plant Nursery gratefully acknowledges the opportunity to operate within the unceded ancestral territories of the Sto:lo Nation. We have been serving customers since 1989. Our native plant nursery is a sustainable outdoor forest-farm operation utilizing the forest shade to produce shade-loving bulbs, perennials, shrubs and trees that are used for seed stock, fern spores, cutting and stolon material, while maintaining wildlife and riparian values. To ensure our practices are sustainable, we have completed a BC Environmental Farm Plan. We are always working to improve our service and appreciate your feedback. Thank you for your past support and for creating environmentally friendly landscapes! |
Lee Larkin - Owner |
All pictures and content © BC's Wild Heritage Native Plant Nursery